Execute Python script via crontab Execute Python script via crontab linux linux

Execute Python script via crontab

Just use crontab -e and follow the tutorial here.

Look at point 3 for a guide on how to specify the frequency.

Based on your requirement, it should effectively be:

*/10 * * * * /usr/bin/python script.py

Put your script in a file foo.py starting with


Then give execute permission to that script using

chmod a+x foo.py

and use the full path of your foo.py file in your crontab.

See documentation of execve(2) which is handling the shebang.

As you have mentioned it doesn't change anything.

First, you should redirect both standard input and standard error from the crontab execution like below:

*/2 * * * * /usr/bin/python /home/souza/Documets/Listener/listener.py > /tmp/listener.log 2>&1

Then you can view the file /tmp/listener.log to see if the script executed as you expected.

Second, I guess what you mean by change anything is by watching the files created by your program:

f = file('counter', 'r+w')json_file = file('json_file_create_server.json', 'r+w')

The crontab job above won't create these file in directory /home/souza/Documets/Listener, as the cron job is not executed in this directory, and you use relative path in the program. So to create this file in directory /home/souza/Documets/Listener, the following cron job will do the trick:

*/2 * * * * cd /home/souza/Documets/Listener && /usr/bin/python listener.py > /tmp/listener.log 2>&1

Change to the working directory and execute the script from there, and then you can view the files created in place.