Fastest way to create animated gifs from mp4 Fastest way to create animated gifs from mp4 linux linux

Fastest way to create animated gifs from mp4

For first you should create a set of jpg images with maximum quality using mplayer and jpeg option sets to 100 (jpeg:quality=100).

mplayer -ao null -ss 0:00:00 -endpos 10 mts.flv -vo jpeg:outdir=jpeg_dir:quality=100

Next, you need to convert generated jpgs to gifs using convert, just type:

for i in ./jpeg_dir/*.jpg; do convert "$i" "${i%.jpg}.gif"; done

And finally using gifsicle create animated gif:

gifsicle --delay=10 --loop ./jpeg_dir/*.gif > anim.gif

Also, you can use optimization level flag --optimize=03. It can be helpful to reduce file size:

gifsicle --delay=10 --optimize=03 --loop *.gif > anim.gif

Additionally, you can manipulate with number of colors --colors num of current palette and --color-method method to determine most appropriate palette.

As for me most appropriate method is median-cut

median-cut is the median cut algorithm described by Heckbert

Also, I try to manipulate with described flags and found most useful options to achievebetter quality of generated gif-image:

gifsicle --delay=3 --optimize=03 --color-method median-cut --loop *.gif > anim.gif

Be accurate with --delay=NUM to correspond animation speed . This param depends on FPS of original video.

It could improve passing from uncompressed images, like .ppm, for example with mplayer the command line would be:

mplayer -benchmark -noframedrop -nosound -vf format=rgb24 -vo pnm *.avi -osdlevel 0

These will save the jpg compress/uncompress cycle.

It would also help working with a Solid State Drive.

Use "animate" program from imagemagick package after splitting video to images. Like thisanimate ./*.jpg. Then just save opened merged in ImageMagick program images as gif. But it may be large/ Then nеed to optimize and resize(better to do it with mplayer first scale=240:180).