Flash Programming on Linux Flash Programming on Linux linux linux

Flash Programming on Linux

You may find some useful suggestions over here.

I use Flex Builder for Linux to build applications using Flex. However it can be a bit fiddly to set up currently due to it requiring newer the latest version of the AIR SDK (see the release notes on how to upgrade). Also the MXML editor broken with Eclipse 3.4, so you'll want to stick with 3.3 until they release a patch, or patch 3.4 yourself according to this (untried by me).

In addition to Flex Builder, you can use FDT by PowerFlasher, awesome product.


I don't mean to sound a bit mean, but Noldorin's answer is no good at all and misleading, in fact it is fact-less. Flash development restricted to Windows? REALLY?!?!

I've wrote a command line tool called LFD to make it easier to develop flash applications on Linux.

However LFD mainly is a util tool based on Flex SDK. You may use your favorite code editor like vim or emacs to edit codes. It's not an IDE.

May it help you!