Force an entire MySQL database to be in memory Force an entire MySQL database to be in memory linux linux

Force an entire MySQL database to be in memory

Create the database in /dev/shm (ubuntu|debian) and it will be in RAM. It can grow up to 0.5 of available memory.

As dtmilano said, you can put it on a tmpfs mounted filesystem. It doesn't have to be /dev/shm, but that is one place where tmpfs is usually mounted.

You can create a new one anywhere, though:

mount none -t tmpfs /path/to/dir

If it fills all your available RAM, it will use swap as a backup.

Put it in /etc/fstab to re-mount on boot. Just remember, it's a ram disk, so it starts out empty every time you reboot. See:

Alternately, as suggested by yuxhuang you can create a table of type MEMORY. It also empties on restart, though the table definition remains. The MEMORY table type has a few restrictions, though. It uses fixed-size rows, for example, so text and blob columns are not allowed, and varchar isn't variable length. See:

SET storage_engine=MEMORY;

This is going to set the default storage engine for the current session.