getting error on Supervison on supervisorctl ERROR (no such process) [closed] getting error on Supervison on supervisorctl ERROR (no such process) [closed] linux linux

getting error on Supervison on supervisorctl ERROR (no such process) [closed]

You should try to reload supervisord :

# supervisorctl reload[y/N] ? y

In many cases, this error is resolved by that reload.

i had faced same problem before. It was resolve by following solutions.First edit your supervisord.conf file and add below lines :

  • start SupervisorD service first using following command :

    $ sudo /usr/bin/supervisord -c /etc/supervisord.conf
  • You can verify using : ps -ef | grep python

  • After supervisord starts, Try to start your program using following command :

    $ sudo /usr/bin/supervisorctl -c /etc/supervisord.conf start all

On my Fedora22, I modified below lines in /etc/supervisord.conf:

[include]files = supervisord.d/*.ini


[include]files = supervisord.d/*.conf

and then reload