Google Analytics snippet causes page refresh in Linux Firefox Google Analytics snippet causes page refresh in Linux Firefox linux linux

Google Analytics snippet causes page refresh in Linux Firefox

There, a guy says deleting cookie GASO may solve the issue.

The cookie GASO ( google analytics site overlay ) seems to be setted when viewing google in-page so that if you go on the website, the google analytics see the cookie GASO and open in-page on the website.

When I tested this cookie was deleted when closing in-page ( so I don't see why you would still have it if google analytics in-page is closed ), but since the google support link seems to say it's related to that, you might give it a try.

I can't comment so posting as answer.

I can confirm this issue on IE 8 so it's not restricted to FF+Linux. Clearing all cookies solved the problem in IE as well (not sure how to delete a single cookie in IE).

What I don't know is how you "contract" the issue. One of the IE browsers with the issue never accessed GA, let alone in-page analytics.

Have you tried using firefox in safe mode without any extensions? Since you have the analytic information, what percent of your users are affected by this?

I'm guessing that it is a unique combination that you happen to use and isn't found in real world users.