Google Chrome over Linux FrameBuffer Google Chrome over Linux FrameBuffer linux linux

Google Chrome over Linux FrameBuffer

If you need to have some direct control of the window functions, or want to poke around in the DOM data, then the right way to solve this problem is to probably look at embedding webkit directly. This will be much faster and cleaner than what I am about to suggest.

Now, let's suppose you don't need all that fancy control and that you are really lazy. An ancient, low tech solution to your problem could be to create a virtual frame buffer and then read its contents directly. To do this, you can set up xvfb on your server:

xvfb is an old unix tool that lets you create a virtual x-server with whatever type of configuration you want. More importantly, it can be configured to write the contents of its X server's screen directly to a memory mapped file! You can also set it up to use shared memory, which is a bit faster though also more complicated.

I guess you will have better luck with uzbl and GTK/DirectFB. Same engine, and works with javascripts. For the facebook chat issue, I think you just have to change the user-agent string.

There is the Origyn Web Browser, which is supposed to be an embedded WebKit-based browser that looks portable and does not depend on "heavy" libraries (like GTK). Their web page is but it looks like their database crashed, which is a little worrying maybe.