Gradle build runs forever on a clean install and an empty project Gradle build runs forever on a clean install and an empty project linux linux

Gradle build runs forever on a clean install and an empty project

Try sudo apt-get install lib32z1 as in this post. I had the same problem on Lubuntu and fixed it this way.

In my case, i already had lib32z1 installed. The problem was Genymotion plugin.
Once i removed it from studio and restarted. It worked fine.

I still don't know how that could happen as i regularly use genymotion with studio in my other machines.

You can still run genymotion even if you remove studio plugin by starting emulator from genymotion itself.

I have centos 7 64 bits installed on a virtualbox 5.0.16 virtual machine and gradle version 2.10 with Android Studio 2.0

The log file of gradle is located at $HOME/.gradle/daemon/2.10 Log file: daemon-<some number>.out.log

By inspecting this log file I found out that was not found by aapt.

Despite that command "locate" output was


aapt was not able to find it.

In order to solve the issue I had to execute

yum install zlib.i686

After that Gradle started working.