How can I configure bash to handle CRLF shell scripts? How can I configure bash to handle CRLF shell scripts? linux linux

How can I configure bash to handle CRLF shell scripts?

Perhaps like this?

dos2unix <|bash -s

EDIT: As pointed out in the comments this is the better option, since it allows the script to read from stdin by running dos2unix and not bash in a subshell:

bash <(dos2unix <

Here's a transparent workaround for you:

cat > $'/bin/bash\r' << "EOF"#!/bin/bashscript=$1shiftexec bash <(tr -d '\r' < "$script") "$@"EOF

This gets rid of the problem once and for all by allowing you to execute all your system's Windows CRLF scripts as if they used UNIX eol (with ./yourscript), rather than having to specify it for each particular invocation. (beware though: bash yourscript or source yourscript will still fail).

It works because DOS style files, from a UNIX point of view, specify the interpretter as "/bin/bash^M". We override that file to strip the carriage returns from the script and run actual bash on the result.

You can do the same for different interpretters like /bin/sh if you want.