How can I disable Javascript syntax checking in NetBeans 7.0 (Linux version for PHP)? How can I disable Javascript syntax checking in NetBeans 7.0 (Linux version for PHP)? linux linux

How can I disable Javascript syntax checking in NetBeans 7.0 (Linux version for PHP)?

I am using netbeans 8.1 and I can easily manage this type of options by these steps. I think it is also available for netbeans 7 .

  1. Click Tools option in header menu and select Options from this menu.

    enter image description here

  2. Select Editor from this popup.

    Select Editor from Pop

  3. Now you will see submenu below . Select Hint


  4. Select language for you Javascript and then uncheck all options that you don't need and save.

This way to you can enable or disable syntax checking option for all languages. and you can also manage formatting, code folding, spelling checker etc

As far as I know you cannot really disable error checking (if that is what you're asking), if your code is broken.. fix it.

However you can disable so called "hints" for Javascript.

You can find this option in the tools menu (found under "options"). In the top menubar choose "editor" and go to the "hint" tab.

In the language dropdown select Javascript. You will see a list of warnings which you can disable.

You can however disable syntax highlighting, this is found in the same menu but under the option "fonts & colors" and the tab "highlighting". However you cannot choose for which language you want to do this.