How can I validate CSS on internal web pages? How can I validate CSS on internal web pages? linux linux

How can I validate CSS on internal web pages?

That jar is runnable, but it needs some extra libraries.

Examine the MANIFEST.MF file:

$ unzip -p css-validator.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MFManifest-Version: 1.0Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.8.0Created-By: 1.6.0_26-b03 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)Main-Class: org.w3c.css.css.CssValidatorClass-Path: . lib/commons-collections-3.2.1.jar lib/commons-lang-2.6.j ar lib/jigsaw.jar lib/tagsoup-1.2.jar lib/velocity-1.7.jar lib/xerces Impl.jar lib/xml-apis.jar lib/htmlparser-1.3.1.jar

You need all the jars mentioned in Class-Path. You can download them from the maven repository using this script:

#!/bin/bashset -emkdir -p libcurl -LO "\ jigsaw.jar xercesImpl.jar\" | while read url shortname; do        if [ -z "$shortname" ]; then            shortname="${url##*/}"        fi        curl -L -o "lib/${shortname}" "${url}"    done

After doing that, it works:

$ java -jar css-validator.jar --output=soap12 file:badcss.html{vextwarning=false, output=soap12, lang=en, warning=2, medium=all, profile=css3}<?xml version='1.0' encoding="utf-8"?><env:Envelope xmlns:env="">    <env:Body>        <m:cssvalidationresponse            env:encodingStyle=""            xmlns:m="">            <m:uri>file:badcss.html</m:uri>            <m:checkedby></m:checkedby>            <m:csslevel>css3</m:csslevel>            <m:date>2013-03-12T06:40:09Z</m:date>            <m:validity>false</m:validity>            <m:result>                <m:errors xml:lang="en">                    <m:errorcount>1</m:errorcount>                <m:errorlist>                    <m:uri>file:badcss.html</m:uri>                        <m:error>                            <m:line>8</m:line>                            <m:errortype>parse-error</m:errortype>                            <m:context> h1 </m:context>                                    <m:errorsubtype>                                exp                            </m:errorsubtype>                            <m:skippedstring>                                100%                            </m:skippedstring>                            <m:message>                                Property fnt-size doesn&#39;t exist :                             </m:message>                        </m:error>                    </m:errorlist>                </m:errors>                <m:warnings xml:lang="en">                    <m:warningcount>1</m:warningcount>                    <m:warninglist>                        <m:uri>file:badcss.html</m:uri>                        <m:warning>                            <m:line>5</m:line>                            <m:level>0</m:level>                            <m:message>You should add a &#39;type&#39; attribute with a value of &#39;text/css&#39; to the &#39;style&#39; element</m:message>                        </m:warning>                    </m:warninglist>                    </m:warnings>            </m:result>        </m:cssvalidationresponse>    </env:Body></env:Envelope>

You can invoke the W3C validator from the command line:

Command-Line use

Any computer with Java installed can also run the validator from the terminal/console as a commandline tool. Download the css-validator.jar jar archive (or build it with ant jar) and run it as :

java -jar css-validator.jar

Note : the css-validator.jar file must be located at the exact same level as the lib/ folder to work properly.

Update: To get it to work, I checked out the full distribution from CVS and ran ant using the included build.xml. It downloaded all dependencies except for servlet.jar. To deal with that, I downloaded the binary distribution of Tomcat 6 and extracted it. Then, I edited the build.xml for css-validator to reflect the location of servlet.lib:

<property name="servlet.lib"  value="E:/Downloads/apache-tomcat-6.0.20/lib/servlet-api.jar"/>

Then ran ant again. This produced the css-validator.jar file in the top level of the directory checked out from CVS with the lib subdirectory containing the other jars it depends on. Then, I was able to run the validator successfully:

C:\Temp\validator\2002\css-validator> java -jar css-validator.jar

For the lazy, here's a script I wrote to do what Sinan suggests:

#!/bin/sh# W3C CSS Validator Install Script --------------# installs W3C CSS Validator# requires: ant, wget, javac# see: see: see: see: ""#sudo aptitude install -y ant # uncomment if you don't have cvs checkout 2002/css-validator mkdir 2002/css-validator/libTOMCAT6_VERSION='6.0.45'wget "$TOMCAT6_VERSION/bin/apache-tomcat-$TOMCAT6_VERSION.tar.gz"tar xvf apache-tomcat-$TOMCAT6_VERSION.tar.gzmv apache-tomcat-$TOMCAT6_VERSION/lib/servlet-api.jar 2002/css-validator/lib/servlet.jarrm -rf apache-tomcat-$TOMCAT6_VERSION apache-tomcat-$TOMCAT6_VERSION.tar.gzcd 2002/css-validatorant jar# usage example: java -jar css-validator.jar ""

That should work, at least until the next software dependency update breaks the ant build script (feel free to parameterize versions).

Hope this helps!