How do I create virtual ethernet devices in linux? How do I create virtual ethernet devices in linux? linux linux

How do I create virtual ethernet devices in linux?

You can use VDE2, a virtual switch.

For example (you will need a few terms):

# Install vde2 (assumes Debian/Ubuntu)sudo aptitude install vde2# Create the switch and two tap interfaces attached to itsudo vde_switch -tap tap0 -tap tap1# Configure the interfacessudo ip addr add dev tap0sudo ip addr add dev tap1# Start a serversocat - TCP-LISTEN:4234,bind= Alternatively, an echo server:#socat PIPE TCP-LISTEN:4234,bind= Start a clientsocat - TCP:,bind=

Type on one side, it will appear on the other.

You can use the "tap" virtual ethernet driver which lets a userspace program pretend to be an ethernet interface. This is a standard kernel feature for some time now (it might not be enabled in your kernel though).

You can use ns3 to emulate a complicated network between two tap devices if you need it:

I've had it emulating two switches, a wireless client, and an AP, between two virtualbox instances.