How do I run all my PHPUnit tests? How do I run all my PHPUnit tests? linux linux

How do I run all my PHPUnit tests?

Php test's filename must end with Test.php

phpunit mydir will run all scripts named xxxxTest.php in directory mydir

(looks likes it's not described in the phpunit documentation)

I created following phpunit.xml and now atleast I can do phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml in my root directory to run the tests located in Tests/

<phpunit backupGlobals="false"         backupStaticAttributes="false"         syntaxCheck="false">  <testsuites>    <testsuite name="Tests">      <directory suffix=".php">Tests</directory>    </testsuite>  </testsuites></phpunit>

I think forPHPUnit to decide to automatically run it it must follow a filename convention: somethingTest.php.