How do I solve "Server terminated early with status 127" when running node.js on Linux? How do I solve "Server terminated early with status 127" when running node.js on Linux? linux linux

How do I solve "Server terminated early with status 127" when running node.js on Linux?

In my case I was missing a Java Runtime environment (JRE). I'm running e2e tests with Selenium in a Debian-based docker image, hence apt-get install default-jre did the trick for me. It's a pity selenium doesn't give a more useful error message in this case.

As suggested by other answers, the error message means you have unmet dependencies.

In my case of selenium e2e test, fixes are:

  1. apt-get install default-jre as mentioned by @Johannes
  2. apt-get -f install for a fix install
  3. apt-get install chromium-browser Make sure to install the correct version of chrome related to your chromedriver, e.g. chrome 60-62 for chromedriver 2.33
  4. Config webdriver to start chrome in 'headless' mode, as to avoid other unnecessary dependencies. In node it looks like:

const options = new chromeDriver.Options(); options.addArguments( 'headless', 'disable-gpu', ); new webdriver.Builder() .forBrowser('chrome') .setChromeOptions(options) .build();

I had a similar issue where it was missing a shared library that I solved by symlinking

ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/

If the first directory doesn't work for you, find with:

find /usr/lib/ -name libnss3*ORfind /usr/lib64/ -name libnss3*

and replace accordingly.

It might also require an update, so try:yum update nss