How to automatically install required packages from a python script as necessary? How to automatically install required packages from a python script as necessary? linux linux

How to automatically install required packages from a python script as necessary?

How to automatically install required packages from a python script as necessary?

Let's assume that your Python script is

import osimport timeimport sysimport fnmatchimport requestsimport urllib.requestfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoupfrom multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool print('test')

You can use pipreqs to automatically generate a requirements.txt file based on the import statements that the Python script(s) contain. To use pipreqs, assuming that you are in the directory where is located:

pip install pipreqspipreqs .

It will generate the following requirements.txt file:


which you can install with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

The best way I know is, create a file requirements.txt list out all the packages name in it and install it using pip

pip install -r requirements.txt

Example requirements.txt:


You can use setuptools to install dependencies automatically when you install your custom project on a new machine. Requirements file works just fine if all you want to do is to install a few PyPI packages.

Here is a nice comparison between the two. From the same link you can see that if your project has two dependent packages A and B, all you have to include in your file is a line

install_requires=[   'A',   'B'] 

Of course, setuptools can do much more. You can include setups for external libraries (say C files), non PyPI dependencies, etc. The documentation gives a detailed overview on installing dependencies. There is also a really good tutorial on getting started with python packaging.

From their example, a typical file would look like this.

from setuptools import setupsetup(name='funniest',      version='0.1',      description='The funniest joke in the world',      url='',      author='Flying Circus',      author_email='',      license='MIT',      packages=['funniest'],      install_requires=[          'markdown',      ],      zip_safe=False)

In conclusion, it is so simple to get started with setuptools. This package can make it fairly easy to migrate your code to a new machine.