how to check existence of any file in csh script? how to check existence of any file in csh script? linux linux

how to check existence of any file in csh script?

From the manpage:

f    Plain file

You use it with a if statement:

if ( -f file.txt ) then    echo Existselse    echo No such fileendif

Based on this question and your previous question, you seem to be rather clueless as to how csh syntax works, since you keep using POSIX shell syntax. I would strongly suggest that you either familiarise yourself with the csh syntax, or just use a POSIX shell (which is probably better for scripting anyway).

In CShell for checking of the existence of a file use -e option

The name of the file does not have to be "hard coded" into the if statement, butmay be a parameter like this:

 if (-e "$filePath") then

Here is a full list of the Cshell file queries.

-e file           file merely exists (may be protected from user)-r file           file exists and is readable by user-w file           file is writable by user-x file           file is executable by user-o file           file is owned by user-z file           file has size 0-f file           file is an ordinary file-d file           file is a directory