how to connect to SQL Server with SQuirreL SQL from non domain registered Linux box? how to connect to SQL Server with SQuirreL SQL from non domain registered Linux box? linux linux

how to connect to SQL Server with SQuirreL SQL from non domain registered Linux box?

I got rid of Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver and downloaded jTDS driver. I tweaked a bit with it until I finally got a successful connection. The correct connection string was:


The answer may be obsolete as I had the similar problem with SQuirrel SQL on MacOS 10.9.3 not on Linux box. The way Peter solved the problem inspired me. As the solution was not most straightforward I decided to put it here. Hope it helps someone.

  1. Download latest Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL Server (tar.gz package)
  2. Extract only sqljdbc4.jar from the package
  3. Copy the jar file into Squirrel SQL (Contents->Resources->Java->Lib)
  4. Now Microsoft MSSQL Server JDBC Driver is available to create Alias
  5. Connection URL: jdbc:sqlserver://SERVERNAME;databaseName=DATABASENAME

Another solution that worked for me. On a Windows desktop connecting to SQL Server 2008 R2, I had to follow these steps:

  • copy the jtds-1.3.1.jar into the SQuirrel SQL \lib directory
  • restart SQuirrel SQL and check that you see jTDS Microsoft SQL in the drivers list
  • make sure that in the driver configuration the Class Name specifies net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
  • use a connection string like this
