How to find which libraries does Java Desktop API require on Linux? How to find which libraries does Java Desktop API require on Linux? linux linux

How to find which libraries does Java Desktop API require on Linux?

Going to the source might help here. Digging through the Makefile, I find these includes:

EXTRA_INCLUDES = `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0` \                 `pkg-config --cflags libgnome-2.0` \                 `pkg-config --cflags gnome-vfs-2.0`\                 `pkg-config --cflags gnome-vfs-module-2.0` \                 `pkg-config --cflags bonobo-activation-2.0` \                 `pkg-config --cflags libbonobo-2.0` \                 `pkg-config --cflags ORBit-2.0` \                 `pkg-config --cflags gconf-2.0`

And there you have it :)

I just had another idea: maybe you can use ltrace instead of strace?

ltrace -e open,access -f -o browse java -jar BrowseTester.jar