How to get 'man' working in an Alpine Linux Docker container? How to get 'man' working in an Alpine Linux Docker container? linux linux

How to get 'man' working in an Alpine Linux Docker container?

You need to add

apk add mdocml-apropos

and then for each package you need the man packages for

apk add curl-doc

and you are set to go to use man after, like you already did

apk add man man-pages mdocml-apropos

The source for this (plus added the mdocml-apropos which is missing there) is but interstingly, i cannot get it working myself.

Also tried to export TERM=xterm to see if thats in iteractivity issue but it is not.

Also tried makewhatis /usr/share/man manually, but no sucess.

Interestingly though:

ls  -la /usr/share/man/man1/curl-config.1.gz-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          1687 Aug  4 15:07 /usr/share/man/man1/curl-config.1.gz

So there is a manpage

For me, to get rid of this error:

man manmore: -s: No such file or directory

I use:

export PAGER=less

then it works

In fact, this has to do with the way you are connected to the container. I'm using alpine a lot with LXD, and generally can't read any man page when connected via lxc exec container ash. I suppose docker connect you to the container the same way.

$ lxc exec alp03 ash~ # man manmore: -s: No such file or directory

So you can use su -, and then you will be able to use man:

~ # su -alp03:~# man manMAN(1P)                    POSIX Programmer's Manual(...)

Note how the prompt is different after the su - command.

Also, if I run a ssh server inside the container and then connect to this container via ssh, then man is working perfectly.