how to install parallel-forkmanager in perl how to install parallel-forkmanager in perl linux linux

how to install parallel-forkmanager in perl

Just use

cpan Parallel::ForkManager

Alternatively, execute the following command after making sure you have its dependencies (POSIX, Storable, File::Spec, File::Temp, File::Path 2.00 and Test::More 0.81_01) installed:

tar xvzf Parallel-ForkManager-1.03.tar.gzcd Parallel-ForkManager-1.03perl Makefile.PL && make test && make install

Like some of the comments on the accepted answer suggest, there can be a dependency missing. The following worked for me:

cpan upgrade Test::More

cpan Parallel::ForkManager

You need to run dmake, not make

perl Makefile.PL && dmake test && dmake install
