How to limit file size on commit? How to limit file size on commit? linux linux

How to limit file size on commit?

This pre-commit hook will do the file size check:


#!/bin/shhard_limit=$(git config hooks.filesizehardlimit)soft_limit=$(git config hooks.filesizesoftlimit): ${hard_limit:=10000000}: ${soft_limit:=500000}list_new_or_modified_files(){    git diff --staged --name-status|sed -e '/^D/ d; /^D/! s/.\s\+//'}unmunge(){    local result="${1#\"}"    result="${result%\"}"    env echo -e "$result"}check_file_size(){    n=0    while read -r munged_filename    do        f="$(unmunge "$munged_filename")"        h=$(git ls-files -s "$f"|cut -d' ' -f 2)        s=$(git cat-file -s "$h")        if [ "$s" -gt $hard_limit ]        then            env echo -E 1>&2 "ERROR: hard size limit ($hard_limit) exceeded: $munged_filename ($s)"            n=$((n+1))        elif [ "$s" -gt $soft_limit ]        then            env echo -E 1>&2 "WARNING: soft size limit ($soft_limit) exceeded: $munged_filename ($s)"        fi    done    [ $n -eq 0 ]}list_new_or_modified_files | check_file_size

Above script must be saved as .git/hooks/pre-commit with execution permissions enabled (chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit).

The default soft (warning) and hard (error) size limits are set to 500,000 and 10,000,000 bytes but can be overriden through the hooks.filesizesoftlimit and hooks.filesizehardlimit settings respectively:

$ git config hooks.filesizesoftlimit 100000$ git config hooks.filesizehardlimit 4000000

A shorter, bash-specific version of @Leon's script, which prints the file sizes in a human-readable format. It requires a newer git for the --diff-filter=d option:

#!/bin/bashhard_limit=$(git config hooks.filesizehardlimit)soft_limit=$(git config hooks.filesizesoftlimit): ${hard_limit:=10000000}: ${soft_limit:=1000000}status=0bytesToHuman() {  b=${1:-0}; d=''; s=0; S=({,K,M,G,T,P,E,Z,Y}B)  while ((b > 1000)); do    d="$(printf ".%01d" $((b % 1000 * 10 / 1000)))"    b=$((b / 1000))    let s++  done  echo "$b$d${S[$s]}"}# Iterate over the zero-delimited list of staged files.while IFS= read -r -d '' file ; do  hash=$(git ls-files -s "$file" | cut -d ' ' -f 2)  size=$(git cat-file -s "$hash")  if (( $size > $hard_limit )); then    echo "Error: Cannot commit '$file' because it is $(bytesToHuman $size), which exceeds the hard size limit of $(bytesToHuman $hard_limit)."    status=1  elif (( $size > $soft_limit )); then    echo "Warning: '$file' is $(bytesToHuman $size), which exceeds the soft size limit of $(bytesToHuman $soft_limit). Please double check that you intended to commit this file."  fidone < <(git diff -z --staged --name-only --diff-filter=d)exit $status

As with the other answers, this must be saved with execute permissions as .git/hooks/pre-commit.

Example output:

Error: Cannot commit 'foo' because it is 117.9MB, which exceeds the hard size limit of 10.0MB.

You need to implement eis script you already look for in the pre-commit hook.

From documentation, we learned that pre-commit hook

takes no parameters, and is invoked before obtaining the proposed commit log message and making a commit. Exiting with a non-zero status from this script causes the git commit command to abort before creating a commit.

Basically, the hook is called to check if the user is allowed to commit his changes.

The script originally made by eis on other post becomes

#!/bin/bash# File size limit is meant to be configured through 'hooks.filesizelimit' settingfilesizelimit=$(git config hooks.filesizelimit)# If we haven't configured a file size limit, use default value of about 10Mif [ -z "$filesizelimit" ]; then        filesizelimit=10000000fi# You specify a warning limitfilesizewarning=500000# With this command, we can find information about the file coming in that has biggest size# We also normalize the line for excess whitespacebiggest_checkin_normalized=$(git ls-tree --full-tree -r -l HEAD | sort -k 4 -n -r | head -1 | sed 's/^ *//;s/ *$//;s/\s\{1,\}/ /g' )# Based on that, we can find what we are interested aboutfilesize=`echo $biggest_checkin_normalized | cut -d ' ' -f4,4`# Actual comparison# To cancel a push, we exit with status code 1# It is also a good idea to print out some info about the cause of rejectionif [ $filesize -gt $filesizelimit ]; then        # To be more user-friendly, we also look up the name of the offending file        filename=`echo $biggest_checkin_normalized | cut -d ' ' -f5,5`        echo "Error: Too large push attempted." >&2        echo  >&2        echo "File size limit is $filesizelimit, and you tried to push file named $filename of size $filesize." >&2        echo "Contact configuration team if you really need to do this." >&2        exit 1elif [ $filesize -gt $filesizewarning ]; then        echo "WARNING ! A file size is bigger that $filesizewarning"fiexit 0