How to load a custom module at the boot time in Ubuntu? How to load a custom module at the boot time in Ubuntu? linux linux

How to load a custom module at the boot time in Ubuntu?

This technique didn't work on Ubuntu 13.10. So after a few trial and error tries I ended up with this:

Copy my kernel module to the drivers directory.

$ sudo cp mymodule.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/

Add the simple name of my module to the file /etc/modules. You can edit the file or just append to it as shown here.

$ echo 'mymodule' | sudo tee -a /etc/modules

Update the list of module dependencies.

$ sudo depmod

Reboot the computer and voila, it worked.

Add the module to the /etc/modules file.

And then put the module in your /lib/modules/kernelname catalogue.