How to Mount a Linux directory from a different PC to your local Linux PC? How to Mount a Linux directory from a different PC to your local Linux PC? linux linux

How to Mount a Linux directory from a different PC to your local Linux PC?

sshfs is very nice, and easy to use

sshfs user@remotesystem:/remote/dir /some/local/dir

Yes, it's called NFS. You might also want to check out sshfs which is pretty nice.

You need to be a bit more specific. You can use NFS.

Depending on what distro you're using, you simply edit the /etc/exports file on the remote machine to export the directories you want, then start your NFS daemon.

Then on the local PC, you mount it using the following command:

mount -t nfs {remote_pc_address}:/remote/dir /some/local/dir

Use the man utility for more information:

man exports (Examples of configuring directories for export are on the bottom of this manual page.)