How to remove previous versions of .NET Core from Linux (CentOS 7.1) How to remove previous versions of .NET Core from Linux (CentOS 7.1) linux linux

How to remove previous versions of .NET Core from Linux (CentOS 7.1)

You need to do this over the package manager, otherwise, you end up with a broken system.

This is for Ubuntu/Debian/Mint:

To list all installed packages

sudo apt --installed list

To list all the packages you installed

sudo apt --installed list | grep "dotnet-dev"

to remove a specific package

sudo apt-get remove --purge PACKAGE_NAME 


sudo apt-get remove --purge dotnet-dev-1.0.1

For other distros, consult the Packman-Rosetta-Stone

In CentOS you would do the following:

1 - Find the package installed

yum list installed | grep "aspnet"

2 - Remove the package

yum remove aspnetcore-store-2.0.0.x86_64

Sometimes it can be so simple! In order to remove the previous installation, simply remove the dotnet folder from where you installed it on disk.

Big Thanks to Zlatko Knezevic