how to start the tomcat server in linux? how to start the tomcat server in linux? linux linux

how to start the tomcat server in linux?

The command you have typed is /, if you have to start a shell script you have to fire the command as shown below:

$ cd /home/mpatil/softwares/apache-tomcat-7.0.47/bin$ sh or $ ./ 

Please try that, you also have to go to your tomcat's bin-folder (by using the cd-command) to execute this shell script. In your case this is /home/mpatil/softwares/apache-tomcat-7.0.47/bin.

Use ./ start to start Tomcat. Do ./ to get the usage.

I am using apache-tomcat-6.0.36.

if you are a sudo user i mean if you got sudo access:

      sudo sh 

otherwise: sh

But things is that you have to be on the bin directory of your server like

cd /home/nanofaroque/servers/apache-tomcat-7.0.47/bin