How to start Tomcat with output on console in Linux? [closed] How to start Tomcat with output on console in Linux? [closed] linux linux

How to start Tomcat with output on console in Linux? [closed]

You're looking for

tomcat/bin/ run

instead of

tomcat/bin/; tail -f tomcat/logs/catalina.out

Tomcat stays in foreground this way (first option). If you want to shut it down, Ctrl-C in your console window will do the trick.

If you choose the second option, tomcat will run in background, while tail will run in foreground, but you'll have to give the same directory path twice.

Instead of using service, cd to Tomcat's bin directory, type ./ This will start Tomcat in console.

All the logs that goes to catalina.out you can modify it by this link : Tomcat logging