Installing g++ on windows subsystem for linux Installing g++ on windows subsystem for linux linux linux

Installing g++ on windows subsystem for linux

Why compiling? You should be able to install the package:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/testsudo apt updatesudo apt install g++-7 -y

Verify using:

gcc-7 --version

See How to install gcc-7 or clang 4.0?

run the following

sudo apt install aptitudesudo aptitude install gcc-7 g++-7


sudo apt install aptitude && sudo aptitude install golang gcc-7 g++-7

crt1.o is generally provided as part of the libdevc dependency (or something similar). I would suggest running sudo apt search libc or some similar variant with lib6c, libdev, libc-dev etc. Installing those fixed a similar issue I had recently.

Failing that, run find / -iname ctri.o and add the folder it appears in to your PATH with export PATH="[folder]:$PATH", and see if that helps.