Is there any shortcut to reference the path of the first argument in a MV command? Is there any shortcut to reference the path of the first argument in a MV command? linux linux

Is there any shortcut to reference the path of the first argument in a MV command?

And another way: brace expansion.

mv app/models/keywords_{builder,generator}.rb

In general,


expands to

beforeFIRSTafter beforeSECONDafter

So it's also useful for other renames, e.g.

mv somefile{,.bak}

expands to

mv somefile somefile.bak

It works in bash and zsh.

More examples:

You can use history expansion like this:

mv app/modules/keywords_builder.rb !#^:h/keywords_generator.rb
  1. ! introduces history expansion.
  2. # refers to the command currently being typed
  3. ^ means the first argument
  4. :h is a modifier to get the "head", i.e. the directory without the file part

It's supported in bash and zsh.


One way is to type the first file name and a space, then press Ctrl+w to delete it. Then press Ctrl+y twice to get two copies of the file name. Then edit the second copy.

For example,

mv app/models/keywords_builder.rb <Ctrl+W><Ctrl+Y><Ctrl+Y><edit as needed>