JavaFX on Linux JavaFX on Linux linux linux

JavaFX on Linux

The current version of JFX released is 2.2.4 and it is quite stable on Linux. However, it will become very much better when Java 8 would be released as it would contain JFX 8 distibution. You can try it yourself now using java 8 early access builds.

JavaFX 8 runs fine on Linux in my experience, the only requirement appears to be libgtk 2.18+. There are full details on Oracle JDK 8 and JRE 8 Certified System Configurations. Working Linux versions include:

  • Ubuntu 10.04 (and possibly earlier, 10.04 had libgtk 2.20)
  • Redhat 6

Possible problems you may encounter

  • 3D scene support - requires specific modern GPUs + recent drivers, note there is no software rendering fallback for this, and no plans to - see mailing list question
  • Video playback requires certain version of libavcodec
  • OpenJDK does not yet include javafx, only the oracle distribution. Update July 2016 - openjfx package now available .on Ubuntu 16.04...

Javafx runs on JVM(Java Virtual Machine) like all other java applications. It doesn't matter whether you run the javafx application on windows or linux or mac there is no doubt that it will not run. That's why java is called platform independent language. Now stable version of javafx 8 has been released with more features.