JavaFX on Linux is showing a "Graphics Device initialization failed for : es2, sw" JavaFX on Linux is showing a "Graphics Device initialization failed for : es2, sw" linux linux

JavaFX on Linux is showing a "Graphics Device initialization failed for : es2, sw"

You should have a look at this related bug for help on how to troubleshoot your issue. In summary, the recommendations are:

  • run the application with the -Dprism.verbose=true flag
  • check the detailed log that is produced
  • it may point to a missing garphics library: GTK 2.18 is required to run JavaFX on linux

You need to install OpenJFX:

apt-get install openjfx

and then run the program.

I solve this issue adding the libswt-gtk-3-java and gkt3 to my system.