Linux commands to copy one file to many files Linux commands to copy one file to many files linux linux

Linux commands to copy one file to many files


cp file1 file2 ; cp file1 file3

count as a "one-line command/script"? How about

for file in file2 file3 ; do cp file1 "$file" ; done


Or, for a slightly looser sense of "copy":

tee <file1 file2 file3 >/dev/null

just for fun, if you need a big list of files:

tee <sourcefile.jpg targetfiles{01-50}.jpg >/dev/null- Kelvin Feb 12 at 19:52

But there's a little typo. Should be:

tee <sourcefile.jpg targetfiles{01..50}.jpg >/dev/null

And as mentioned above, that doesn't copy permissions.

You can improve/simplify the for approach (answered by @ruakh) of copying by using ranges from bash brace expansion:

for f in file{1..10}; do cp file $f; done

This copies file into file1, file2, ..., file10.

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