Linux gvim vs vim [closed] Linux gvim vs vim [closed] linux linux

Linux gvim vs vim [closed]

if you are asking the difference between vim and gvim... there are some (personal opinions):

color support

vim runs in terminal, if you set up your terminal correctly, vim supports 256 (or 88) colors. however gvim can support from 000000 - FFFFFF colors.

difficulty of some key mappings

again, depending on the terminal you used. some key mapping may be difficult to achieve. E.g. I wanted to map insert mode alt-i/j/k/l in my vim, I tried a lot, unfortunately, so far it doesn't work for me. But in gvim it is much easier.

gvim is easier to be started by other GUI applications

(plugins may needed)like browser or other IDEs

Gvim needs X

You can start vim as long as you can get a terminal. even tty or pts. But with Gvim you have to have GUI installed.

with vim you can get benefit from ctrl-Z

if you want to test your codes in shell/terminal, or execute some shell commands during your editing. In vim you can just ctrl-z to back to terminal do what you want, and fg back to vim. With Gvim, you cannot do that.

it is great work with vim in tmux/screen

When you are in gvim, you have that single window, switching to other program/application is not as easy (read comfortable) as vim in tmux/screen.

There may be more, but at this point I just think of those. Personally 90% time I use vim.

On some systems, gvim is just vim -g: you can edit a file in a GVim window from your shell with $ vim -g filename or simply $ gvim filename.

On other systems, like RedHat IIRC, vim and gvim are two different executables built at the same time with the same features: you can edit a file in a GVim window from your shell with $ gvim filename.

Either way, you should try to get your hands on a more recent build because 7.2.411 is almost exactly four years old and quite a lot happened in the mean time.