Mouse and Keyboard not working in qemu emulator Mouse and Keyboard not working in qemu emulator linux linux

Mouse and Keyboard not working in qemu emulator

The problem was, I need to specify USB bus number with device number for USB Pass-Through. Get the list of USB's by this command lsusb and it will list them as following:

enter image description here

My keyboard bus number is 002 and address is 001. So, change the command based on the device number and address. So, my command will be as follows:

qemu-system-arm -M overo -m 256 -sd ./test.img -clock unix -serial stdio -usb -device usb-host,hostbus=2,hostaddr=1

You need to add this line -usb -device usb-host,hostbus=2,hostaddr=1 based on the device number and address. To get cursor pointer working add -show-cursor as specified by here

Add -show-cursor argument to your command.

i.e qemu-system-arm -M overo -m 256 -sd ./test.img -clock unix -serial stdio -device usb-mouse -device usb-kbd -show-cursor

That will emulate your cursor pointer

I had the same problem, installing os x 10.0 and the keyboard stopped working, on installing os x 10.1 no mouse even, but after removing the following entries I got it to work (OS X gave me a hint saying USB error at start up in verbose mode)

-device usb-mouse -device usb-kbd