Perl DBI alternative to LongReadLen Perl DBI alternative to LongReadLen linux linux

Perl DBI alternative to LongReadLen

Are your columns with large data LOBs (CLOBs or BLOBs)? If so, you don't need to use LongReadLen at all; DBD::Oracle provides a LOB streaming interface.

What you want to do is to bind the param as type ORA_CLOB or ORA_BLOB, which will get you a "LOB locator" returned from the query, instead of tex. Then you use ora_lob_read together with the LOB locator to get data. Here's an example of code that's worked for me:

sub read_lob {  my ( $dbh, $clob ) = @_;  my $BLOCK_SIZE = 16384;  my $out;  my $offset = 1;  while ( my $data = $dbh->ora_lob_read( $clob, $offset, $BLOCK_SIZE ) ) {    $out .= $data;    $offset += $BLOCK_SIZE;  }  return $out;}

I think of it in this way :

use Parallel::ForkManageruse strict;# Max 50 processes for parallel data retrievingmy $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager(50);# while loop goes herewhile (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array) {# do the fork$pm->start and next;## Data retreiving goes here## do the exit in the child process$pm->finish;}$pm->wait_all_children;

check Parallel::ForkManager in CPAN to know more.