Pre-authentication failed: Password read interrupted while getting initial credentials [closed] Pre-authentication failed: Password read interrupted while getting initial credentials [closed] linux linux

Pre-authentication failed: Password read interrupted while getting initial credentials [closed]


key encryption type "aes256-cts" might not be configured in your krb setup


simply delete keytab file and recreate one without "aes256-cts" encryption by using above steps

ktutil:  addent -password -p user@DOMAIN.LOCAL -k 1 -e rc4-hmacPassword for user@DOMAIN.LOCAL: [enter your password]ktutil:  wkt user.keytabktutil:  quit


delete "aes256-cts" encription from the keytab file by following the steps on the link I added above.

and finally execute:

(user@server [~])$ kinit user@DOMAIN.LOCAL -k -t user.keytab

you wont see any error this time and your ticket will be created