Recommended IRC server (ircd) for a small site? [closed] Recommended IRC server (ircd) for a small site? [closed] linux linux

Recommended IRC server (ircd) for a small site? [closed]

Unreal IRCd is full featured if a little complex on the setup.

During the past couple days I have been coding a bot with Python and IRCLib. Since I am coding the communication interface I needed to see the raw data transfered between the server and the client. So, I needed an IRC server which would support that. At first I was using IRCD, and it was totally fine. But after a while I realized that I was missing some features that IRCD did not have since it's outdated. So, after further research I found ngIRCd.

I compiled it from source with those options "--enable-sniffer --enable-debug". Now when I want to see the information sent between my bot and my client I only need to start the server with the -n and -s option. Like that : ngircd -n -s

Here is the website of the server :

Unreal IRCd is what I finally picked for hosting an IRCD. Why? Halfop, admin/protect, founder/owner, advanced operator acl, vHost via i:line and etc...

Also see