redirect QEMU window output to terminal running qemu redirect QEMU window output to terminal running qemu linux linux

redirect QEMU window output to terminal running qemu

  1. remove -serial stdio parameter
  2. add -nographic parameter
  3. and change the kernel parameter terminal = ttyS0 to console=ttyS0. This should do the trick.

qemu -nographic -kernel ./bzImage -hda ./image.hda -append root=/dev/sda console=ttyS0

You may want to check the script I use for kernel development: (it's not very "production", but you can find useful qemu cli parameters there)

refer this Redirect Qemu console to a file or the host terminal? to get the log on both qemu and your terminal .use "console=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty highres=off console=ttyS0"

Redirecting Qemu output to terminal might cause some problem (personally i don't like it). You can using options like -noframe (this will create new window but won't any window frame) or -curses to experience qemu output on terminal.