Running Celery as root Running Celery as root linux linux

Running Celery as root

You can set it to true like this:

# export C_FORCE_ROOT="true"

Then make sure it is set as an env. variable

# echo $C_FORCE_ROOTtrue

But make sure to make it permanent, as this will vanish with the next restart

Have fun :) !!

1st solution - Manually type command at terminal

$ export C_FORCE_ROOT='true'

2nd solution - Edit shell configuration

$ vi ~/.bashrc    # add following line    export C_FORCE_ROOT='true'$ source ~/.bashrc

3rd solution - Edit of Django

import os if __name__ == '__main__':    os.environ.setdefault('C_FORCE_ROOT', 'true')    os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', '{PATH TO SETTINGS FILE}')    execute_from_command_line(sys.argv)

Anywhere so the python process picks it up by using os.environ.

If your question is about how the environment variables work, please read this tutorial.