Running for loop terminal commands in Jupyter Running for loop terminal commands in Jupyter linux linux

Running for loop terminal commands in Jupyter

No need for subprocess or format. Something as simple as:

for idx in range(10):    !python --filename /Users/images/{idx}.jpg

works for me.

A possible hackish solution could be to use eval and let bash execute a string.

for idx in range(10):    !eval {"python --filename /Users/images/{image}.jpg".format(image=idx)}

The ! simply indicates that the following code will be executed in the terminal.

So one option is just to code your statement in bash. It's not quite as easy as Python, but you can accomplish the same task like this:

! for file in /Users/images/*.jpg; do python --filename /Users/images/$i; done

It's a for loop, but not a Python for loop.

Alternatively, consider going back to the source code of and modifying it so that it will loop through the files in a directory. This can be done easily enough with the os.listdir function.