Setting environment variable with maven 2.x Setting environment variable with maven 2.x linux linux

Setting environment variable with maven 2.x

This answer is not correct, at least not completely (see comments).
Unfortunately I can't delete it as it has been accepted. Your milage may vary.

Use the exec:exec mojo.

  <plugin>    <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>    <artifactId>exec-maven-plugin</artifactId>    <version>1.1</version>    <executions>      <execution>        <id>exportVar</id>        <phase>initialize</phase>        <goals>          <goal>exec</goal>        </goals>      </execution>    </executions>    <configuration>      <executable>export</executable>      <arguments>        <argument>GGA_FRE=${my.path}</argument>      </arguments>    </configuration>  </plugin>

now call it like this mvn install -Dmy.path=/var/users/groucho

I don't think there is a Java way to set environment variable the way export command does (so that it is avaliable outside of Java). (see for example this question: How do I set environment variables from Java?)

However, you might hack you way around: for example use maven-exec plugin to run a shell script and then set the variable in the script. You might pass a parameter to your script to specify the variable value.(note that I have not tested this)