Testing nginx without domain name Testing nginx without domain name linux linux

Testing nginx without domain name

You can just use your VPS's ip in place of "sample.com":

server {    listen 80;    server_name <your_ip_address>;    <other stuff>}

If you haven't already, you may want to assign a static IP; I believe Digital Ocean gives you some free ones.

Better solution:Have fun testing many applications

Set host entry on dev machine (not the server). /etc/hosts C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

Add as one Line: ipaddress domain i.e is your vps: sample.com82.32.45.144 www.sample.com82.32.45.144 wiki.sample.com82.32.45.144 shop.sample.com82.32.45.144 sample.co.uk82.32.45.144 sample.de

You can configure nginx in an easier way rather than specifying the ip address.You can just user localhost as server_name like below.You must still use the ip address in the web browser if this stands for a web app.

server {    listen 80;    server_name localhost;    <other stuff>}