trouble deploying .WAR to tomcat trouble deploying .WAR to tomcat linux linux

trouble deploying .WAR to tomcat

the war archive is corrupt or invalid.

check that the war generation procedure is not failing and that the war file is a valid zip file prior to copying to your pen drive etc.

if you're on windows you can do this by changing the file extension to .zip and opening with a zip program such as winzip or winrar.

if you're on another operating system you probably don't need to change the extension.

if the war is a valid zip it's probably being corrupted as a result of your transfer process ie going onto or from your pen drive.

It could be a file protection issue, which you can fix by issuing something like:chmod 755 webapp.war

it happened to me that my sftp would just slap a 700 on the file transferred, causing that error.

This might be due to one of the following reasons.

  • Corrupted WAR file
  • Corrupted JAR files under WEB-INF/lib folder