Trying to use bash on Windows and got no installed distributions message Trying to use bash on Windows and got no installed distributions message linux linux

Trying to use bash on Windows and got no installed distributions message

When the Windows Store opened, there was no Distro to choose, then I found this command lxrun /install and worked for me as well.

You will get something like this as an output:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>lxrun /installWarning: lxrun.exe is only used to configure the legacy Windows Subsystem for Linux distribution.Distributions can be installed by visiting the Microsoft Store: will install Ubuntu on Windows, distributed by Canonical and licensed under its terms available here: "y" to continue: yDownloading from the Microsoft Store... 100%Extracting filesystem, this will take a few minutes...Would you like to set the Ubuntu locale to match the Windows locale (en-FI)?The default locale is en_US.Type "y" to continue: yPlease create a default UNIX user account. The username does not need to match your Windows username.For more information visit: new UNIX username: <you type your login here>Enter new UNIX password:Retype new UNIX password:passwd: password updated successfullyInstallation successful!Documentation is available at:

I'm getting a similar bug after trying to uninstall and reinstall.

For me I had to open a cmd prompt as administrator and run lxrun /install

I get this when I have recently rebooted. If I wait 5 minutes, the problem fixes itself !