Type null character in terminal Type null character in terminal linux linux

Type null character in terminal

In Linux, any special character can be literally inserted on the terminal by pressing Ctrl+v followed by the actual symbol. null is usually ^@ where ^ stands for Ctrl and @ for whatever combination on your keyboard layout that produces @.

So on my keyboard I do: Ctrl+v followed by Ctrl+Shift+@ and I get a ^@ symbol with a distinguished background color. This means it's a special character and not just ^ and @ typed in.

Edit: Several years later and a few input variations implemented by different terminals using keyboard layouts that require pressing Shift to access @.

  • Ctrl+v followed by Ctrl+Shift+@
  • Ctrl+v followed by Shift+@ without releasing Ctrl.
  • Ctrl+Shift+v followed by @ without releasing Ctrl+Shift.
  • Ctrl+Shift release Shift and re-press Shift keeping both Ctrl+Shift pressed followed by v and finally @. Seen in some terminals that implement a special input on Ctrl+Shift.

$ echo -e "this is a sentence \0 test123"this is a sentence  test123

The null here ^^ IS NOT visible

$ echo -e "this is a sentence \0 test123" | cat --show-nonprintingthis is a sentence ^@ test123

But it IS here ^^

But maybe you did not want this for a script?

Apparently you can type this character with ^@ on some character sets. This wikipedia article on the null character may be helpful.