vim doesnt load after removing rvm ( cannot open shared object file) vim doesnt load after removing rvm ( cannot open shared object file) linux linux

vim doesnt load after removing rvm ( cannot open shared object file)

On my Ubuntu system, vim is compiled against Ruby and the linker/loader finds the libruby1.8 library here:

$ ldd `which vim` | grep => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f0184795000)$ dlocate /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

If you install the libruby1.8 package with sudo apt-get install libruby1.8, then the library will be available for your vim to use. I do not know why rvm would choose to mess with system-supplied Ruby installs but that sounds like a misconfiguration of rvm to me.

Another option is that your vim was self-compiled against one specific version of Ruby as managed by rvm. If this is the case, and you liked that setup, then install whatever version of Ruby you want with rvm, rebuild your vim with the path to your customized Ruby installation, and re-install vim.

(If the preceding paragraph made no sense, I strongly recommend sticking to the distribution-provided vim package.)