What is the best Emacs workspaces plugin? [closed] What is the best Emacs workspaces plugin? [closed] linux linux

What is the best Emacs workspaces plugin? [closed]

I use a combination of save-visited-files and workgroups. In fact, workgroups will probably do most of what you want by itself.

My config:

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; workgroups for windows(setq wg-prefix-key (kbd "C-c z")      wg-no-confirm t      wg-file (concat emacs-persistence-directory "workgroups")      wg-use-faces nil      wg-switch-on-load nil)(defun wg-load-default ()  "Run `wg-load' on `wg-file'."  (interactive)  (wg-load wg-file))(defun wg-save-default ()  "Run `wg-save' on `wg-file'."  (interactive)  (when wg-list    (with-temp-message ""      (wg-save wg-file))))(with-library 'workgroups  (define-key wg-map (kbd "C-l") 'wg-load-default)  (define-key wg-map (kbd "C-s") 'wg-save-default)  (workgroups-mode 1)  (add-hook 'auto-save-hook 'wg-save-default)  (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'wg-save-default))

Personally, I've been using `persp-mode':

Perspectives for emacs, based on perspective-el by Nathan Weizenbaum. But perspectives shared among frames + ability to save/restore from/to file.

desktop.el will be helpful in your situation.

It can (copied from its introduction page) from the emacs packages buffer:

Save the Desktop, i.e., - some global variables - the list of buffers with associated files. For each buffer also - the major mode - the default directory - the point - the mark & mark-active - buffer-read-only - some local variables