When “vagrant up” it says “It appears your machine doesn't support NFS” (Debian jessie) When “vagrant up” it says “It appears your machine doesn't support NFS” (Debian jessie) linux linux

When “vagrant up” it says “It appears your machine doesn't support NFS” (Debian jessie)

The command mentioned below works for linux mint 18.3:

sudo apt-get install nfs-common nfs-kernel-server

For Windows users seeing that error, run the following command to add support for NFS for Vagrant:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-winnfsd

The GitHub repo for this plugin is found here.

Also, to see the currently installed Vagrant plugins run this:

vagrant plugin list

Can be fixed by adding any exports to /etc/exports.

by :

   modprobe nfs   modprobe nfsd

then running vagrant, which will add /etc/exports, then reloading kernel-server and restarting vagrant.

issue http://jb-blog.readthedocs.io/en/latest/posts/0021-vagrant-nfs-problems.html

instead of installed NFS cos really no supported :

Try just removing type: nfs from the vagrant_synced_folders

More : https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/synced-folders/nfs.html