Why does Slack return a Segmentation fault after Fedora 29 upgrade? [closed] Why does Slack return a Segmentation fault after Fedora 29 upgrade? [closed] linux linux

Why does Slack return a Segmentation fault after Fedora 29 upgrade? [closed]

With valgrind I obtained this output:

Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV): dumping core Bad permissions for mapped region at address 0xDBF060   at 0xDBF060: ??? (in /usr/lib/slack/slack)   by 0x7112071: node::http2::Http2Session::Callbacks::Callbacks(bool) (in /usr/lib/slack/libnode.so)   by 0x7112134: ??? (in /usr/lib/slack/libnode.so)   by 0x5853CE9: call_init.part.0 (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.28.so)   by 0x5853DE9: _dl_init (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.28.so)   by 0x5845149: ??? (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.28.so)

It seems the issue is inside an "outdated" version of libnode.so. I just copied another version of libnode.so from the latest atom.rpm installation with:

sudo mv /usr/lib/slack/libnode.so /usr/lib/slack/libnode.so.oldsudo ln -s /usr/share/atom/libnode.so /usr/lib/slack/libnode.so


Like user Pierre Bellan already said, you can easily find other version of libnode.so on your OS with:sudo updatedb && locate libnode

I used the atom one because I was sure about a recent working update of the editor.

As @Flat noted, the included libnode.so doesn't work with fedora 29.

Download the latest atom.rpm from http://atom.io (I'd never heard of it before...)

Install it, move the bad lib out of the way and symlink the new one in place:

sudo dnf install ~/Downloads/atom.x86_64.rpmsudo mv /usr/lib/slack/libnode.so /usr/lib/slack/libnode.so.badsudo ln -s /usr/share/atom/libnode.so /usr/lib/slack/libnode.so

There may be a better, or official source of libnode.so; but I looking quickly, I did not see one, and it wasn't installed anywhere else on my system.

This issue was first reported on Arch linux when it was updated to glibc 2.28. Both Fedora 29 and Ubuntu 18.10 users have hit this bug with many of the Electron apps. Slack's Snap package works fine on these versions of the distros. Users who can downgrade their glibc version to 2.27 do not seg fault.

Issue reported on Electron apps

On Nov 7th a new comment was added to the Electron issue - FYI on switching out libnode. And if you do, you might want to switch it back when Slack releases the fix.

For Slack users who replaced libnode.so from somewhere else (and got the app running again) but still get the occasional crash, disable your notification sound for now. It seems if Slack tries to play the notification sound for a new message, it simply restarts instead of ever getting around to playing the clip.