why I cannot cd into /var/lib/mysql why I cannot cd into /var/lib/mysql linux linux

why I cannot cd into /var/lib/mysql

sudo -i


cd /var/lib/mysql/

mysql user is the only one that can access to the directory, you can use root to access there and change permissions, or you can change the directory permissions to 740 with

chmod 740 /var/lib/mysql

permissions are divided in 3 parts user/group/else. and you have


d= directory

r= read = 4

w=write = 2

x=execute = 1

so the "owner" has read(4) + write(2) + execute(1) = 7 permissions in that directory

every one else doesn't

mysql group has no access to that directory. The rights for the mysql user are rwx, but group and others get ---, so being in the mysql group doesn't give you what you want.