Adding a BSON Array to a MongoDB 3.2 document and extracting the values back ( MongoCXX 3.2 ) ( C++ 11) Adding a BSON Array to a MongoDB 3.2 document and extracting the values back ( MongoCXX 3.2 ) ( C++ 11) mongodb mongodb

Adding a BSON Array to a MongoDB 3.2 document and extracting the values back ( MongoCXX 3.2 ) ( C++ 11)

For adding array to stream document use open_array:

  using bsoncxx::builder::stream::document;  using bsoncxx::builder::stream::open_array;  using bsoncxx::builder::stream::close_array;  using bsoncxx::builder::stream::finalize;  document data_builder{};  data_builder << "_id" << 5;  auto array_builder = data_builder << "my_array" << open_array;  for (float i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i = i + 0.1f) {    array_builder << i;  }  array_builder << close_array;  bsoncxx::document::value doc = data_builder << finalize;  std::cout << bsoncxx::to_json(doc) << std::endl;